Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Rehearsal Tracks online

I've got "A World About to Turn" on the Chorale and Chamber Choir rehearsal track pages. Chamber, I also have "Walking in Memphis" full track. I'm working on making individual tracks.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Katie Armiger

I hope Chamber and Chorale enjoyed Katie's visit! I know I did. She should be sending some signed head shots back to us. I got the following note from her manager:

"She just called me and said your choir's version of the song was the best she's ever heard by a high school!! Y'all must have a great Vocal Music Director!! ...wink " ~Pete O'Heeron, President, Cold River Records

Here are a couple picture from the event. There will be more posted on our choir page. They will be sending a framed picture of the class with Katie back to us soon.

Katie's biggest fan.

Jeffrey and Nick creeping in the back.

Even Dylan's guitar got into it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Eric Whitacre Virtual Choir 2.0

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is being good while I'm at all-state (yes, I mean you). Anyway, I didn't realize until 4th period yesterday that I had been telling all of my classes that the release of "Sleep" was last night, but it wasn't I hope no one stayed up waiting for it. was released tonight! It's amazing! I can't see me, but I know I'm in there someone (my name is in the closing credits). Here's the vid! Enjoy!