Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving this Thursday!! For those of you celebrating Hanukkah, I hope it's happy for you as well!!

Here's a picture for your holiday enjoyment.

Friday, November 22, 2013

All-Southwest Honor Choirs

I would highly encourage all of you to try to make it to the All-Southwest Honor Choir concert. It is this Saturday, November 23, at 2:00 PM at Bellevue Baptist Church. The admission is only $3 and you get to hear the Jr. High and Sr. High honor choirs! Come support your classmates who are in this choir: Caleb Suggs, Kelsey Kimble, MacLean Mayers, Vincent Nutt, Callie Beckwith, Amanda Dickenson, and Reggie Taylor.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Practice Logs and More

Hey, everyone...
I hope you're being good while I'm out. There are tons of tracks online for your use now.

Next week when I collect practice logs, if you write "Lacey, Washington" on your Practice Log next to one of the two weeks that I'm grading, I will give you a bonus point (which, if you often turn yours in late, could come in handy.

See you Tuesday!